Paying for Crossrail 2

London can meet the government’s challenge to pay half the cost of Crossrail 2, and for funds to be raised during construction. This Proposal follows backing from National Infrastructure Commission for Crossrail 2 to go ahead. 

Crossrail — 40 Years in the Making

The significance of the Elizabeth line will quickly be taken for granted by commuters racing to and from the office and visitors to London but it stands as a permanent reminder of what a world city can – and should – do if consensus is built to galvanise mere ambition.

An Employment and Skills Action Plan for London

For the first time, business leaders across London’s sectors have come together to analyse detailed evidence on current and future labour market challenges and put in place a
comprehensive and cross-cutting Employment and Skills Action Plan for London.

Growing Together — Cities and regions collaborating on shared priorities

The UK’s cities and regions compete fiercely for jobs and investment. But they also collaborate widely, taking advantage of clusters of industry excellence. Four business groups are committing to work more closely with each other to ensure the regions are better connected, share learning and grow together post-Brexit.


No time to Waste — keeping London’s airports connected in a post-Brexit world

This report describes the key steps London First believes are necessary to make the most of our existing airport capacity, improve access to it and passengers’ experience of it, and in so doing further grow London and the UK’s ability to interact globally.

Everything you need to know about build to rent in London 

This report provides an overview of why build to rent is relevant to London and the many housing challenges the city faces, the benefits that such development can bring such as helping to increase housing supply, and an explanation of key issues that boroughs will need to consider when thinking about build to rent schemes in their areas.

Lloyds Brexit Transition Survey

Seizing the Opportunities- a new approach for transforming London

We have brought together practitioners and consulted widely to consider why London has struggled to transform many of its Opportunity Areas and similar locations into productive places. We identify what is needed to help accelerate progress to create great places to live and work, at pace, volume, quality and affordability for the long-term success of London.

Not just a pretty place — placemaking study 2017

Successful development is not simply a matter of building more homes and offices, and regeneration cannot be best imposed from above. This placemaking study summarises the views of London’s business community, in a series of recommendations based on collective experience and case studies.

A Manifesto for the 2020s

Unlocking London’s Residential Density 

Exploring how a new approach to daylight and sunlight guidance for dense urban environments is one of the key components to achieving a significant
increase in housing and maintaining good quality amenity.

Facing Facts: the impact of migrants on London, its workforce and economy

A first of its kind analysis of the role of migration on London’s economy published by London First and PwC. Facing Facts: the impact of migrants on London, its workforce and economy’ draws on a comprehensive range of information, including detailed ONS Labour Force Survey data.

Estate Regeneration — more and better homes for London

The report considers what more can be done to support the physical regeneration process to help deliver, amongst other objectives, more new homes where this has been selected as the best option. It highlights three key issues that must be addressed to support a new wave of regeneration, setting out a series of key considerations on each.

London 2036

London 2036: A new agenda for jobs and growth: In the context of huge political and economic changes, we analyse new data and provide fresh insights on: access to global talent, building on our strengths in tech and innovation and addressing gaps in infrastructure and housing.

London 2026 — the capital’s place in the UK economy

This report takes an optimistic look ahead at London’s future; if we get the industrial policies right we can continue to create high skilled jobs at the rate we were before Brexit. It explores what that future will look like in order to better prepare for it, playing into the government’s industrial strategy.

The Importance of Air Freight to UK Exports

Exploring the impact of delaying the runway capacity decision on UK international trade growth.

London’s 24-hour Economy

This report explores new analysis for London First in association with EY showing the dramatic transformation occurring as London works later, longer and smarter.

Homes for Londoners- a blueprint for the Mayor

The Mayor’s Homes for Londoner’s initiative can enable the GLA to shift from setting policies and distributing limited government money, into an organisation that pushes, and where necessary intervenes, to drive the delivery of more homes. This report sets out a blueprint for what HfL should concentrate on, from the perspective of London business.

A chief digital officer for London

London First and Centre for London, working closely with Bloomberg Associates, and in consultation with a wide range of business interests have produced this report to look in more detail at how the role of Chief Digital Officer might support growth in London.

The Offsite Rule- delivering more affordable housing in London

This report explores the challenge of increasing the consistency and transparency of the planning
process in relation to affordable housing, to help build more homes. 

Redefining Density — building more and better homes for London

One of a series of reports looking in greater depth at the set of recommendations made in London First’s report, Home Truths. Redefining Density focuses on making better use of London’s land, with policies that enable more homes to be built in a given area to accommodate the city’s rising population.

Carrots and Sticks — a targets and incentives approach to building more homes

This report follows on from our Home Truths report. It focuses on the practicalities of taking forward a central recommendation – how to introduce an effective system of targets and incentives” to support more housebuilding.

London Calling- the contribution of international students to UK growth

By quantifying the impact of international students, we hope that this report will help politicians and policymakers maximise the contribution that universities and their students make to both London’s and the UK’s economic success.