July 2024



Leading London Dinner with George Parker, Political Editor of the Financial Times

The next dinner in our Leading London series will be with George Parker, Political Editor of the Financial Times. This dinner will be a timely opportunity to discuss the implications of the General Election with one of the UK’s leading political commentators as the dust settles. Political alignment between Westminster and City Hall offers an opportunity to reset the narrative on London’s relationship with the rest of the country and unleash its full potential as the UK’s engine of growth.

Hosted by Imperial College London



Meet the Deputy Mayor Series: Briefing with Justine Simons OBE, Deputy Mayor for Culture and the Creative Industries

Following the re-election of Sadiq Khan for a historic third term as Mayor, hear about the plans to address London’s culture and creative economies. The session will focus on the steps to encourage international tourism, the night-time economy and maximise the vibrancy of the city. There will be an opportunity to ask questions and share your own thoughts. We anticipate an audience drawn from business leaders from across our membership and hope you will be able to attend this informative and insightful session.



Meet the Deputy Mayor Series: Briefing with Seb Dance, Deputy Mayor, Transport and Deputy Chair, Transport for London

Following the re-election of Sadiq Khan for a historic third term as Mayor, hear about the plans to address London’s transport networks and steps to improve services now and invest in the long-term. There will be an opportunity to ask questions and share your own thoughts. We anticipate an audience drawn from business leaders from across our membership and hope you will be able to attend this informative and insightful session.



BusinessLDN AGM 2024 and What Next for London? briefing

Join us for BusinessLDN’s 2024 Annual General Meeting on 16 July, which will be preceded by our latest What Next for London? briefing on what the next Government will mean for London. The AGM will offer you the opportunity to hear about our recent financial and strategic performance, participate in the usual governance matters and discover our future plans. There will be time allocated for members to ask questions at the relevant junctures. The What Next for London?

Hosted by Ashurst



Launch of the BusinessLDN City Hall Developer Report

Please join us for the launch of the BusinessLDN City Hall Developer report produced in partnership with PwC. London has an acute housing crisis and as part of his manifesto, the Mayor has pledged to create and deliver a City Hall Developer to help deliver new homes in the capital. This report will provide a private sector perspective on what the role, function and objectives of this new vehicle should be.

Hosted by PwC



London LSIP: Inspiring people into great jobs: Building a world-class careers system in London

A quality all ages London Careers Service would be a huge asset to the capital. For employers, it would help to build stronger relationships with educators and provide access to a more informed and diverse talent pipeline. For Londoners, it would provide valuable intelligence on career options, what employers are looking for and support with reskilling and upskilling. A real win-win.

Hosted by



Meet the Deputy Mayor Series: Briefing with Howard Dawber, Deputy Mayor for Business and Growth

Following the re-election of Sadiq Khan for a historic third term as Mayor, hear from Howard Dawber, Deputy Mayor for Business and Growth, on his plans to address London’s economy. This session will focus on the Mayor’s economic strategy, as well as steps to boost skills provision in the capital. There will be an opportunity to ask questions and share your own thoughts. We anticipate an audience drawn from business leaders from across our membership and hope you will be able to attend this informative and insightful session.



Data Partnerships for a Digital City

London consistently ranks as one of Europe’s smartest’ cities, but what does smartness look like in our city today? How is data already being used to solve problems and drive inclusive growth? At this roundtable, held as part of the 2nd London Data Week and hosted by BusinessLDN, we will bring together industry experts to explore how data-driven solutions are can help to revolutionise planning, transport and sustainability in the capital.

Hosted by Pinsent Masons

June 2024



Meet the Deputy Mayor Series: Briefing with Tom Copley, Deputy Mayor for Housing and Residential Development

Following the re-election of Sadiq Khan for a historic third term as Mayor, we will hear first-hand the Deputy Mayor’s plans on addressing London’s critical housing shortage. This session will focus on how the Mayor’s manifesto pledges to increase housing in the capital will be achieved and how the residential development industry can work with the GLA to deliver homes of all tenures in London. There will be an opportunity to ask questions and share your own thoughts.

Hosted by Imperial College London

May 2024



The London Social Drinks Reception, hosted by Peabody

BusinessLDN and Peabody are delighted to invite you to an informal drinks reception at the end of a busy first day in Leeds. Hosted by John Dickie, Chief Executive, BusinessLDN and the Peabody Executive Team, join us to network with leading figures from the urban environment and a range of stakeholders from across the capital and the UK. Taking place at UKREiiF, Leeds.

Hosted by Peabody



Net Zero Trajectories; Learning from London and Beyond @ UKREiiF

Cities across the UK are setting ambitious net zero emissions targets in order to mitigate climate change. Yet, the journey towards net zero is not one that any city can undertake alone. London may be at the forefront of this journey, navigating unique challenges and opportunities, but has a lot to learn from the rest of the country and progressive business practices. Collaboration and knowledge sharing between cities and between public and private sector entities are essential for accelerating progress and fostering results.

Hosted by AtkinsRealis



Roundtable breakfast, hosted by Arcadis: What makes a sustainable city?

Chaired by John Dickie, Chief Executive, BusinessLDN and hosted by Peter Hogg, London City Executive and UK Cities Director, Arcadis join us to explore What makes a sustainable city?’ In this discussion we will explore: How to assess a sustainable city in the 21st century? To what extent should a city invest in social amenities over other priorities?

Hosted by Arcadis



Roundtable dinner, hosted by SEGRO: Jobs, industrial and commercial space and homes - a city that delivers it all?

Join BusinessLDN, in partnership with SEGRO, for a discussion about the practicalities of delivering it all — jobs, industrial and commercial space and homes in London. With economic growth flatlining and development of all kind facing a multitude of challenges, innovative and bold solutions are required to kick-start London’s economy. The capital needs to provide modern and sustainable industrial space to support the retention and expansion of existing businesses in the capital and attract new ones to locate here.

Hosted by SEGRO



Economic briefing with the Bank of England - May 2024

Join BusinessLDN and the Bank of England for the latest insights on the economic outlook for Greater London. 2024 will have a very political feel to it, but all eyes will also be on the economy. BusinessLDN will be welcoming Lai Wai Co, Deputy London Agent at the Bank, who will share what she is hearing from firms across the Capital, the Bank’s latest forecasts and her outlook for the year ahead.

Hosted by AlixPartners



May 2024 Briefing: What Next for London?

One week after the election of the next Mayor, join BusinessLDN to explore the key issues on the agenda for London and Londoners over the coming Mayoral term. This informal session will be an opportunity to gather insights and intelligence from our experts around issues including the future of the London Plan, transport policy in the capital and more. After hearing from our experts, you will have the chance to network with other members and catch-up with the wider BusinessLDN team.

Hosted by WSP



Roundtable with Stephen Morgan MP, Shadow Minister for Rail

Please join us to hear from the Shadow Minister about the Opposition’s priorities on wider rail policy, as well as views on HS2 / Euston, followed by an opportunity to ask questions and share your own thoughts. We anticipate 20 – 25 attendees, drawn from business leaders from across our membership and hope you will be able to attend this informative and insightful session.

Hosted by First Rail



Leading London Dinner with Andy Lord, London's Transport Commissioner, TfL

Our Leading London dinners provide an opportunity for a small group of senior leaders within BusinessLDN membership to meet and discuss a topical business issue over dinner. All discussions take place under the Chatham House rule. For this invitation only dinner we will be joined by Andy Lord, London’s Transport Commissioner, TfL. A world-class public transport network is vital to keep London moving, retain its position as a global city and support jobs across the country.

April 2024

March 2024



BusinessLDN’s manifesto for the next Mayor

In the run-up to the London Mayoral election on 2 May, BusinessLDN will be publishing its manifesto to set out key priorities that the candidates should focus on to ensure the capital remains the best city in the world in which to do business – working with and for the whole UK. 2024 is expected to be the first time that the Mayoral election takes place in the same year as a general election so it presents an opportunity to drive change at a local, London and national level.

Hosted by Mills & Reeve



London LSIP: Transforming London’s health & social care workforce

The government’s NHS Long Term Workforce Plan sets out a vision to train, retain and reform the workforce, and put the NHS on a sustainable footing. Yet as the London Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) sets out, there are over 30,000 vacancies in the health service in the capital, and the social care sector also faces labour shortages and high staff turnover.

Hosted by



BusinessLDN at MIPIM 2024: Women’s Networking Brunch

Following last year’s successful event, and one week after International Women’s Day we continue the theme with our Women’s brunch. This informal session will provide the opportunity to network with peers, make new connections and discuss how far the Built Environment sector has come in terms of gender equality, diversity and inclusion. Kindly hosted by Landmark Chambers, Town Legal, Kanda Consulting and RTPI.

Taking place at MIPIM, Cannes.



BusinessLDN at MIPIM 2024: London Dinner

Please join us for our flagship MIPIM event, kindly hosted by London Heritage Quarter, which brings together London business and stakeholders from City Hall and the boroughs. Guest speakers will include Jules Pipe CBE, Deputy Mayor for Planning, Regeneration and Skills and Ruth Duston OBE, Chief Executive of London Heritage Quarter.

Taking place at MIPIM, Cannes.



In discussion with Andy Lord, London’s Transport Commissioner – unlocking London’s potential through transport

With the Mayoral election in May and a General Election expected later in the year, transport will be one of the key themes in both elections. Join us for a discussion and Q&A with Andy Lord, Commissioner for Transport for London (TfL) to hear about the key challenges and opportunities that lie ahead and how TfL is seeking to navigate them to unlock London’s full potential.

February 2024



Transforming childcare: how government and businesses can drive inclusion and productivity in London

The average costs of childcare in London are more than double compared to some other UK regions. This has impacted parents and carers — acting as a barrier for those entering and returning to the labour market. BusinessLDN has been reflecting on these challenges over the last few months, in partnership with KPMG and Central District Alliance, by leading a joint project putting the business lens on the lack of affordable, quality childcare in the capital.



Economic briefing with the Bank of England - February 2024

Join BusinessLDN and the Bank of England for the latest insights on the economic outlook for Greater London. 2024 will have a very political feel to it, but all eyes will also be on the economy. BusinessLDN will be welcoming Lai Wai Co, Deputy London Agent at the Bank, who will share what she is hearing from firms across the Capital, the Bank’s latest forecasts and her outlook for the year ahead.

January 2024



January 2024 Briefing: What next for London?

This informal and interactive session will be an opportunity to gather insights and intelligence from our experts around issues on your agenda. For the sixth briefing in this series, we’ll be focusing on: the political and macroeconomic outlook for London ahead of the upcoming Mayoral election; set out an overview of the key agenda the next Mayor should focus on, London’s housing crisis and possible steps to tackle it; and how the private sector can deliver Euston as the London terminus of HS2.



London LSIP: How can London lead a transferable skills revolution?

As the new London Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) sets out, there is a growing employer demand for people with essential, transferable skills which can be used in a variety of roles or occupations, such as such as critical thinking, resilience and problem solving. As new technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) transform the labour market in the coming years, these skills will become even more vital. Yet many employers are struggling to access people with these skills or develop their existing workforce.



Leading London Dinner with the Rt Hon Kemi Badenoch MP, Secretary of State for Business and Trade

Our Leading London dinners provide an opportunity for a small group of senior leaders within BusinessLDN membership to meet and discuss a topical business issue over dinner. All discussions take place under the Chatham House rule. For this dinner we will be joined by The Rt Hon Kemi Badenoch MP, Secretary of State for Business and Trade on London’s role in attracting Foreign Direct Investment to the UK, as well as her other priorities within the Department for Business and Trade.

December 2023



Supporting disabled people into employment and to thrive in the workplace

What can we do to help more disabled people into employment and then thrive once they are in the workplace? Around 1 in 5 working age adults in the UK are disabled. Despite this large and growing number, disabled people are almost twice as likely to be unemployed as non-disabled people, and 3 times as likely to be economically inactive.

Hosted by City Literary Institute

November 2023



CREATING A GREENER CITY: How London government and business can together drive a successful net zero transition

Join us for the launch of the BusinessLDN Net Zero Report, in partnership with WSP. To see tangible progress in reducing our carbon footprint, better collaboration and coordination between London business and policy makers is required. The report will set out the necessary actions to bridge the gap between the two and accelerate net zero activity, against sectors such as built environment, supply chain & transportation.

In partnership with WSP and hosted by Ashurst




Our Supper Club series for BusinessLDN’s Corporate Affairs Directors continues with Rob Elder, London agent for the Bank of England. Members will join Rob for a small roundtable dinner discussion – to hear Rob’s analysis of the current economic outlook for London as the UK continues to grapple with a high interest rate, high inflation environment. As always at Supper Club there will be great opportunities for sharing insights and gathering intelligence during the roundtable discussion and chatting through the challenges and opp

Hosted by Eversheds Sutherland



Generative Artificial Intelligence – what will the impact on the London Labour market be?

Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning are changing the world, but its not clear what the mid to long-term impact will be on work and jobs. On the one hand, some are predicting huge economic potential and productivity gains. While on the other, many including the World Economic Forum forecast major risk to jobs – 85m globally by 2025, albeit at the same time there is potential for 97m new jobs. Whatever the outcome, significant disruption can be expected.

Hosted by King's College London



Economic briefing with the Bank of England - November 2023

Join BusinessLDN and the Bank of England for the latest insights on the economic outlook for Greater London. At an uncertain time for the economy, BusinessLDN will be welcoming Lai Wai Co, Deputy London Agent at the Bank, who will share what she is hearing from firms across the Capital, the Bank’s latest forecasts and her outlook for the year ahead.

Hosted by Iris Ceramica Group



BusinessLDN Virtual AGM 2023

This will be a short virtual AGM where you will have the opportunity to hear about our recent financial and strategic performance, participate in the usual governance matters and discover our plans for 2023/24. There will be time allocated for members to ask questions at the relevant junctures.