We also have several sector-specific workstreams including our work on high streets and town centres. In addition, we will continue to run our various popular forums for member and stakeholder engagement, including the Planning and Development Advisory Forum, Planning Officers Society, West End Streets Group and the Industrial and Logistics Sounding Board, as well as refreshing the Commercial Property Forum, scoping a new annual review of the sector given its importance to the capital’s economy.
Our policy work will focus on shaping the Levelling up and Regeneration Bill (LURB) and the implementation of the Infrastructure Levy. We will also, where relevant, respond to the GLA’s rolling programme of London Plan guidance. On the latter, this will build on the success of the most recent London Plan examination in which BusinessLDN helped shape key policies on small housing sites, affordable business space, industrial capacity, development viability and ensuring a design-led approach to residential density.