

BusinessLDN New Prime Minister Manifesto 

A manifesto outlining quick yet radical interventions a new Prime Minister should make to help the UK swerve the forecast recession.

Green, Growing, and Global: A de-carbonising capital for a competitive UK 

Changing Gears — Where next for driving in London?

Electric Vehicles: developing a consumer-led approach to infrastructure planning

An analysis of Electric Vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure by the capital’s leading business campaign group London First, in partnership with PwC, has found that those in densely populated residential zones, outside of central London, could be held back in owning an EV by a lack of charging infrastructure.

Build To Rent Report London First

A snapshot analysis of twenty developments across London has found Build-to-Rent homes could help more Londoners find affordable, high-quality accommodation with additional amenities, playing its part in solving London’s housing crisis, by London First. 

Demand for commercial property in London — what does the future hold?

London First, in partnership with CBRE, releases a report looking at the post-pandemic future of the commercial property sector, focusing on office space, logistics, and retail.

Who Lives in Built to Rent?

November 2021: an analysis of Build-to-Rent occupancy across England

For the goods of the city

Our latest report which discusses a new approach to freight, servicing and deliveries traffic 

Housing Partnerships — delivering the homes that London needs

Renew London: Hybrid Working

Getting on board with new passengers

A discussion paper: How will we use public transport post-Covid?

Central Government’s role in helping London drive recovery

New London First report drawing on analysis from Bain & Company highlights social and economic fallout of pandemic with call for levelling up to focus on communities rather than regions.

A manifesto for the next Mayor of London

Beyond the horizon 

A London First discussion paper on the urgency of strategy and support for the UK’s international connections

Land Fund #2: how the GLA could attract co-investment to help build more homes

Our new report with PwC highlights the potential of Greater London Authority (GLA) Land Fund to ramp-up housing delivery in the capital.

Beyond the headlines: UK business, Brexit and international trade

Transport in London — New solutions for a changing city

London First & Arup outline options to secure the long-term future of transport and keep the capital competitive, including further devolution, smart road pricing and fares reform

Who lives in Build-To-Rent?

This report, by London First, British Property Federation and United Kingdom Apartments Association (UKAA), is a snapshot analysis of ten developments across London, and the diverse nature of their residents.

Commercial property in London: what matters now?

During the summer and early autumn, we spoke to a cross-section of our members who own and develop commercial property in Central London, alongside our members who are their advisors and tenants, to
understand the main issues currently facing the sector and the implications for the wider public policy challenges facing London.

Business Manifesto for Delivering Net Zero Carbon in London

Our report in partnership with WSP, and supported by our Net Zero Carbon Working Group, sets out the ambitious commitments and actions required by business to meet the capital’s decarbonisation challenge, and the key priorities for London’s government over the next mayoral term.

Business Rates Review: Call for Evidence — Tranche 1

Business Rates Review: Call for Evidence — Tranche 2

Changes to the Current Planning System — London First response

Planning for the Future: Consultation Response

Our consultation response on the Government’s proposed reforms of the planning system. The White Paper was published back in August and this response brings together London First and our members’ take on potentially the biggest overhaul of the planning system since 1945.