Beyond the Horizon — Our 2025 agenda

BLDN Generating Land Value Jan25

Who Lives in Build-to-Rent? London Edition Jan25

The case for a new town in London report

Pioneering Advanced Digital Skills for All

A new deal for London: The business & economic case for further devolution in the capital

London LSIP Progress Report June 24

UK Collective Offsetting Fund report

City Hall Developer

BLDN General Election Manifesto

A manifesto for the next Mayor of London

No Kidding: How transforming childcare can boost the economy

Creating a greener city — Driving a successful net zero transition

BLDN Retrofitting Owner Occupied Homes in London
BusinessLDN’s 10 point action plan for retrofitting owner occupied homes in London.

A five point plan to escape the low growth trap
BusinessLDN’s 5 point plan to escape the low growth trap with foreword from CEO John Dickie.

BusinessLDN Business Plan 2023
BusinessLDN’s Business plan for 2023

Who lives in Build to Rent? UK Edition

Young Londoners and their careers’ outlook survey report


Place Commission Report May 2023

Who Lives in Build-to-Rent? 2023

Spring Budget 2023: our five calls to Government

Delivering Affordable Workspace in London