

Business Rates Review: Call for Evidence — Tranche 1

Business Rates Review: Call for Evidence — Tranche 2

Changes to the Current Planning System — London First response

Planning for the Future: Consultation Response

Our consultation response on the Government’s proposed reforms of the planning system. The White Paper was published back in August and this response brings together London First and our members’ take on potentially the biggest overhaul of the planning system since 1945.

Comprehensive Spending Review 2020 submission

Comprehensive Spending Review 2020 submission

Data for London — Recommendations from the London Data Commission

Westminster City Plan 2019 – 2040: Hearing statements

London First written statements submitted in connection with the Westminster City Plan examination.

Skilling London

Our report in partnership with Lloyds Banking Group calls for more attention to be paid to transferable skills to drive a step-change in London’s skills performance.

Getting our capital back to growth

This paper summarises the immediate actions needed from London’s businesses and policymakers as the city unlocks. It is supported by a number of underlying working papers which, given the fluidity of the situation, are being regularly updated

Utilities and digital, the planning system, commercial property and housebuilding

Working paper that underpins the built environment sections of Getting London back to growth”

Higher education, London’s workforce and skills provision

Working paper that underpins the workforce and education sections of Getting London back to growth”

Keeping London moving: transport

Working paper that underpins the transport sections of Getting London back to growth”

Getting Apprentices Back to Work

Our report with North West Business Leadership Team (NWBLT) details a seven-point plan to save apprenticeship system including increased flexibility in the use of Levy funds to financial relief for Levy-funded apprenticeships 

Joint business groups letter on recovery to the Prime Minister

London First and a group of leading business groups and associations in the capital wrote to the Prime Minister with a list of actions and steps to take during recovery from the crisis. 

First Homes consultation response

Our response to the First Homes consultation. 

Immigration and Social Security Coordination Bill 

This is a second reading briefing for the Immigration and Social Security Coordination Bill. 

Squaring the circle — Funding London’s transport pipeline and levelling up

London First has been considering alternative ways of funding London’s transport infrastructure needs for some time and this paper draws on a workshop held in partnership with KPMG in January 2020.

High Streets Manifesto

Our report calling for changes to planning and development rules and cutting red tape to unlock the potential of the high street, and to support London’s start-ups and entrepreneurs.

Delivering the Workforce of Tomorrow — Boosting England’s business-led apprenticeship system

Joint report between London First and the North West Business Leadership Team, focusing on practical asks to change the Apprenticeship system.

London First agenda for the next government

Cities working for the whole UK London First agenda for the next government

Citizen’s Jury — the future of London’s green belt

An independent Citizens’ Jury of Londoners votes 11 – 1 in favour of reviewing London’s Green Belt to help build affordable homes.

The role of private capital in securing London’s future infrastructure

Infrastructure Funding and Financing Working Group report

Moving Forward Together

Businesses across the country know the value of good transport infrastructure. But the UK does not have a strong track record. As this report notes, we have lagged behind our international competitors for much of the last 25 years. If we are serious about confronting the challenges of productivity, the environment, and reuniting the country, then we must address the systemic underinvestment in the UK’s transport infrastructure. A report with WPI Economics

Enhancing Digital Connectivity

Access to ubiquitous, reliable, high-speed data at work, at home and on the move is critical for London’s continued success as a global business hub.