London Calling- the contribution of international students to UK growth
By quantifying the impact of international students, we hope that this report will help politicians and policymakers maximise the contribution that universities and their students make to both London’s and the UK’s economic success.
From Wasted Space to Living Place
This paper focuses on the last recommendation set out our Home Truths report: how to make better use of surplus public land to get more homes built. Government should empower the Mayor to identify publicly owned sites in London that are surplus to the public sector’s operational needs; and the Mayor should act as the disposing agent for these sites.
London’s Infrastructure — investing for growth
London’s projected growth to a city of 10 million people by the early 2030s is testimony to the capital’s continued attractiveness. Yet
as it grows, the infrastructure that enables the city to function comes under greater strain. London urgently needs a comprehensive long term infrastructure plan,
with priorities and funding developed and agreed with input from government, business and the wider population.
Jams Today, Jams Tomorrow
The introduction of a Congestion Zone in 2003 offered a brief respite for the very centre of the city. This report calls on the Mayor to champion more effective management of demand — and that will mean moving to a more sophisticated system of congestion charging in the capital.
The Green Belt- a place for Londoners?
Land in the Green Belt covers a range of uses and is of variable quality from beautiful parks to derelict buildings on wasteland. This report proposes that local planning authorities should be encouraged to review their Green Belt and consider how the land within it that is of poor environmental quality, of little or no public benefit and has good connectivity could be re-designated for high quality, well-designed residential development that incorporates truly accessible public green space.
Home Truths- 12 steps to solving London’s housing crisis
This report is the work of a group of London First members from across the housing supply chain, working to identify the reasons why London is building too few homes and produce solutions to resolve the issue.
Benchmarking the effectiveness of London’s promotional system
By seeking to understand lessons learned from other cities’ promotional activities, this report aims to help inform policy makers maximise the contribution of tourism, foreign investment and trade to both London’s and the UK’s economies.
London FinTech and the EU
Pre-referendum, we spoke to some of the UK’s top FinTech companies to better understand the effect of the UK leaving the EU on the capital’s FinTech sector. The report has been supported by KPMG.
Moving Out
This report outlines the findings of four YouGov surveys commissioned by Turner & Townsend and London First on the subject of housing to understand each group’s views about housing, the affects that housing has on each group, and the challenges that London faces in relation to housing.