How we developed the plan
Over the last year, we have:
- Talked to businesses about their skills needs and gaps, identifying priority sectors and themes, and seeking ideas for action.
- Talked to providers, London government, employment service providers, policymakers and others to understand the profile of training provision and how the system might act as a barrier rather than an enabler.
- Created an accessible evidence base of London’s labour market, both at the pan-London and sub-regional levels.
- Identified opportunities along the way to make interventions that work to address employer skills gaps.
- Identified specific barriers preventing Black and minoritised groups from participating more fully in the labour market and identifying solutions to boost inclusion.
- Built a strong narrative for changing the skills landscape in London.
- Submitted our draft priorities to the Department for Education in March 2023, and a final plan of action to the Secretary of State for Education on 31 May 2023.
At the London-wide level, BusinessLDN has produced a plan for the whole capital. We have identified several target sectors for the LSIP, aligned with the Mayor’s priorities: creative, tech, health and social care, hospitality, and construction. We have also focussed on labour market inclusion, digital, and green skills as cross-cutting themes.
BusinessLDN has also worked closely with London’s four sub-regional partnerships (SRPs) – groupings of London boroughs. Each SRP has produced an LSIP report for their local area based on their priorities under BusinessLDN’s oversight.
BusinessLDN has also worked closely with the Greater London Authority, as our lead data partner on the LSIP.
BusinessLDN’s focus moves to the next phase of the LSIP: delivering on the priorities set out in our LSIP. BusinessLDN will work to embed the LSIP in London, building support for it and the individual actions it contains by bringing together employers, providers, London government and others and policy makers. We will put a big focus on identifying and putting in place the best business/educator partnership for driving up London’s advanced digital skills capability. Look out for more chances to get involved in our work shaping a better skills future for London.
Download our engagement plan for how you can get involved with the London LSIP