UK Collective Offsetting Fund report

Creating a greener city — Driving a successful net zero transition

BLDN Retrofitting Owner Occupied Homes in London
BusinessLDN’s 10 point action plan for retrofitting owner occupied homes in London.

Electric Vehicles: developing a consumer-led approach to infrastructure planning
An analysis of Electric Vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure by the capital’s leading business campaign group London First, in partnership with PwC, has found that those in densely populated residential zones, outside of central London, could be held back in owning an EV by a lack of charging infrastructure.

Business Manifesto for Delivering Net Zero Carbon in London
Our report in partnership with WSP, and supported by our Net Zero Carbon Working Group, sets out the ambitious commitments and actions required by business to meet the capital’s decarbonisation challenge, and the key priorities for London’s government over the next mayoral term.