The retrofit of London’s buildings is a top priority of the Mayor’s Green New Deal (GND) recovery mission. Buildings are responsible for around two thirds of London’s total greenhouse gas emissions and increasing energy efficiency is therefore vital for achieving net zero. Analysis suggests that an ambitious programme of retrofit could create 150,000 to 200,000 direct jobs, with further indirect benefits in the supply chain regionally and nationally. Widespread and deep retrofit can also reduce inequalities by addressing fuel poverty and support better health outcomes for Londoners. However, there are significant challenges in accelerating and scaling up this activity, and now is the time for a full-system response.
As part of our work with the London Recovery Board, we are working with the GLA and other business groups on a “call to action” to accelerate retrofit of non-domestic buildings in London by making the steps asset owners/managers and tenants need to take clear and coherent, with a deadline of 2030.
We are currently exploring whether the UK Green Building Council’s Net-Zero Framework is a suitable framework on which to base the call to action for London’s commercial buildings to drive retrofit. The UKGBC framework is a definition for net-zero carbon buildings to provide a set of consistent principles and metrics for the built environment to apply in the achievement of net zero carbon buildings in construction and operation. The UKGBC is also working to provide direction for addressing whole life carbon in the industry.
We would welcome your thoughts on this framework, or indeed any other standards/commitments which you find suitable. Please could you find time to complete a short online survey.
To find out more about our work on net zero carbon and sustainability click here.