09.02.2023 9:00am
Event format
Join us for a roundtable about BusinessLDN’s Place Commission and an opportunity to provide your thoughts on the future of London’s built environment. The built environment is the backbone of our city and is vital to London’s economic success and global competitiveness. As we begin to understand the lasting impact that the pandemic will have on how people live, work, enjoy and visit the city, an important opportunity exists to reflect on the role and function of London’s built environment, and to set a fresh vision for it. The Place Commission, underpinned by research and analysis by Deloitte and Chaired by Francis Salway, ex-CEO of Landsec, has been convened to answer the question: ‘how should London’s built environment evolve to help people thrive and business to succeed? At the roundtable a presentation will be given about the key issues addressed by the Commission and feedback sought from members which will help us to shape the final recommendations before the Commission publishes its report in the spring.