15.10.2024 5:30pm – 8:00pm
Event format

How Universities, Colleges and Businesses can work together to provide the skills that will drive growth

Our forthcoming London Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) event, delivered by London Metropolitan University in partnership with BusinessLDN and New City College. The built environment industry faces a major skills shortage due to rapid changes from new technologies, materials, and the push towards net zero. An aging workforce adds to the challenge, hindering government plans for housing development and home retrofitting. The LSIP, spearheaded by BusinessLDN, aims to address these shortages by identifying priority skills needs and fostering collaboration among colleges, universities, and employers. At this event, you’ll hear how London Metropolitan University’s new School of the Built Environment is leading the way on this agenda, working with employers and collaborating with New City College to provide clear skills and employment pathways for Londoners. You’ll hear how facilities like this are critical to delivering London’s LSIP, the emerging Growth Plan, and getting London building with a keynote from Deputy Mayor for Business and Growth, Howard Dawber. To register, please use the link below: https://​www​.eventbrite​.co​.uk/​e​/​g​e​t​t​i​n​g​-​l​o​n​d​o​n​-​b​u​i​l​d​i​n​g​-​t​i​c​k​e​t​s​-​1008234686087
Invitation only

Hosted by Landsec

For further information contact: events@businessldn.co.uk