27.09.2023 19:00 – 21:30
Event format

With guest speaker TUC General Secretary, Paul Nowak

For this invitation only dinner we will be joined by Paul Nowak, General Secretary of the Trades Union Congress (TUC). Paul first became a union member aged 17. Before joining the TUC, he had a variety of temporary and agency jobs as a call centre operator, a hotel night porter and a supermarket worker. In 2000, Paul joined the TUC’s staff, later becoming Regional Secretary for the north of England and subsequently Head of Organising. He was appointed TUC Assistant General Secretary in 2013 and Deputy General Secretary in 2016, before taking on the General Secretary role in January 2023. Paul will be giving his take on the world ahead of the Conservative and Labour party conferences and the likely 2024 General Election.
Invitation only

Hosted by Arcadis

For further information contact: events@businessldn.co.uk