08.11.2023 7:00pm
Event format
with Julia Hoggett, Chief Executive, London Stock Exchange plc
For this invitation only dinner we will be joined by Julia Hoggett, Chief Executive, London Stock Exchange plc. At this Chatham House event, Julia will discuss how we can ensure London is the place where great companies can start, grow and scale up. She is leading a taskforce looking to improve the competitiveness of our financial markets amid fierce international competition. This will be vital to support the wider UK economy and maintain London’s position as a world leading financial centre. Julia took up her current post in 2021. Prior to this, she was the Director of Market Oversight at the Financial Conduct Authority and has held senior roles across various banks throughout the course of her career. Far removed from the world of finance, Julia holds a degree in social and political sciences from Cambridge University and undertook a research scholarship at Kings College, Cambridge University, on public policy in East Africa.
Invitation only
For further information contact: events@businessldn.co.uk